
Moonbeam: Revolutionizing Live Streaming

Created by Moonbeam

Moonbeam is a revolutionary new live streaming platform that has completely reimagined the future of live streaming!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Moonbeam alpha AMA on Thursday and a quick update from Anthony!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 07:35:18 PM

Hey everyone! We will be hosting a live stream AMA to discuss Alpha updates and to fill everyone in on what we are working on, such as bugs, fixes, features, etc. and where we are going with Alpha over the coming weeks!

Join us for the AMA on Thursday @ 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 7pm MT / 6pm PT / (Friday @2am GMT)
We'd also love to chat with you all, you can ask us questions, give us feedback, hit us up for an update on a bug fix you want us to give more details on, pretty much anything!
I also created a short video that gives some updates. You can watch it right now HERE.
We want to keep you updated on this journey, there is some pretty exciting things coming and I want to say, 2025 is looking to become a HUGE year for Moonbeam due directly to all of your support in Alpha. I'll speak more on this soon, and just want to say thank you all for everything! 
Feel free to reply with anything specific you'd like us to discuss on Thursday!
- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary

Moonbeam Mobile App Launch (Alpha Phase)
2 months ago – Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 03:51:39 PM

Hello there!! I have good new for those of you in Moonbeam’s alpha phase! As we close out our first week of Moonbeam’s alpha phase, we wanted you to know our team has been working hard every day to improve your experience on Moonbeam, especially your mobile experience!

So, without further ado, we present the Moonbeam App (Alpha) for iOS and Android! The is in alpha, so it’s a VERY early version. However, it will improve your mobile experience ASAP!

Note: The app will only work if you have an account in Moonbeam's alpha phase. If you backed Moonbeam for beta access, but want to access our alpha phase, we can upgrade your account if you email us at [email protected].

Download the app below:

  • Get the iOS app HERE
  • Opt-in to get the Android app HERE

What does the app do?

  • Improved chatting in Realms and streams
  • Improved stream viewing experience on mobile
  • Picture-in-picture streaming, so you can chat in Realms while you watch your favorite Moonbeam streamer
  • You can create posts in Realms (if a Realm Owner gives you that access) 
  • You can reply to posts in Realms
  • This app will have bugs, so please report them in the Moonbeam Realm’s customer service section or via a bug report on the web-based version of Moonbeam

What can’t it do right now?

  • There is no “homepage”—yet, so you can only view Realms you’re a member of and streams within those Realms
  • You can’t buy or send Moonstones
  • And a bunch of other stuff you’d expect a full-blown app to do

What is next, and how can you help?

Next, our little band of misfits keeps chugging along at breakneck speed to create the best platform for creators and communities on the planet, period.
You can help by:
  • Continue to report bugs
  • Continue to provide feedback and recommendations
  • If you’re a Realm Owner, use your invites to grow your Realm
  • Direct folks to our BackerKit store where they can purchase alpha or beta access
  • Take a moment to say hello to someone when they are streaming
  • Post about Moonbeam on social media
  • Thank Pat and our team (Arya, Brandon, Jarques, JD, Joanne, and Taylor) for their hard work and for putting up with me this week (LOL)

That’s all for now, see you all around Moonbeam!! Cheers!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary

Moonbeam Alpha is Live!
2 months ago – Fri, Dec 06, 2024 at 08:40:17 PM

This is it everyone! Moonbeam's alpha phase is live!!

You'll be getting an email from Moonbeam with log in instructions OR you can quickly get in now by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Where it says, "Forgot your password? Reset it" click "Reset it" and you'll get an automated email from Moonbeam to the email address you used in your BackerKit survey. You'll be able to reset your password and log in right away.

Check your spam folder if you don't see the email. Also, reach out to [email protected] if you have any issues.

Once you're on, you can update your Realm settings. Don't forget to use our bug reporter (the little bug icon on the left) to report bugs. 

I'll see you all on Moonbeam when you log in!

- Anthony 
Moonbeam Revolutionary

Launch Update
2 months ago – Fri, Dec 06, 2024 at 04:50:30 PM

Hey everyone, Anthony here with a quick update.

I decided to give the engineers two more hours as we migrate over pre-alpha accounts and begin to send yours out via email.

Here is why: we are increasing our servers to ensure a quality streaming experience. We discovered the servers we were using were giving some pre-alpha creator issues as we migrated those accounts over, so we decided to bump things up on our end to enhance streaming quality. 

Here is what we've validated and have ready to go:

  • Moonstone purchases on Moonbeam 
  • Using Moonstone to tip and pay creators 
  • Creators accumulating earnings works
  • Creators can build teams and assign revenue splits

I appreciate your patience and want to ensure, even though this is Alpha, that the experience is a good one!

So, we are hoping this is the last bump tonight—new times we are aiming to send invites out:

9:30pm EST / 8:30pm CST / 6:30pm PST / 2:30am GMT

I want to establish transparency upfront and ensure our team has the tools they need to make sure your experience on Moonbeam is epic—after today we will be here to stay. Stay tuned!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary

T-Minus 48 Hours to Alpha Launch!
2 months ago – Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 11:58:57 AM

We are entering the final 48 hours before our alpha launch!!! It is happening!

Now, just like in Starship Troopers, we are excited you all are helping to do your part to eliminate the bugs on Moonbeam so we can have a thriving alpha that moves to beta and then full launch!

Most of you will be the spearhead defining what Moonbeam evolves into—I can't wait to see where we go from here.

Now, some updates:

Alpha Launch Date/Time: 

  • I'll have an exact time to update you all before Friday, but our goal is to launch before 5pm ET / 4pm CT / 2pm PT on Friday.

Live Streaming Schedule: 

  • Thursday: I'll be live streaming Thursday @ 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 6pm PT on BackerKit, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and X. I'll post the live stream here and on YouTube as a VOD for those that miss it. I'll give out more details about launch day and what to expect, plus we can hang out, and you can ask me questions.
  • Friday and the Weekend: I'll live stream on MOONBEAM, in the Moonbeam Realm, and everywhere else this weekend! Here comes Moonbeam's live customer support. If you have an issue during the alpha launch, hop into my stream, and we will help you out! Now, that is top-quality customer service!

Video Tutorials: 

  • Pat and the amazing Engineering Team (shoutout to JD, Michael, Brandon, and Arya) are pushing lots of code today and tomorrow. So I'll be filming tutorial videos tomorrow and getting them posted for Friday's launch. Stay tuned! 

The entire Moonbeam team is thrilled to be here with you finally. It's weird to think we will all have our own new social media platform to hang out on and do cool stuff—so thanks again for supporting us and believing in our goal to make the internet and live streaming a better place for creators, fans, and communities!

I'm doing my part! Cheers!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary