
Moonbeam: Revolutionizing Live Streaming

Created by Moonbeam

Moonbeam is a revolutionary new live streaming platform that has completely reimagined the future of live streaming!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Monday from Moonbeam!
8 months ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 10:31:01 AM

Happy Monday everyone! Today, the moon is in the Waxing Gibbous phase of its lunar cycle, a name that seems appropriate since it means the moon is approaching its full moon state—just as we approach our first stretch goal when we hit $50,000 in funding—we are sooooo close!

Also, please check out the projects in the Moonbeam Collection, they are very close to reaching their funding goals too!

This week, we plan on hosting a few live streams on the following days:

Monday @ 9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 6pm PDT
Wednesday @ 9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 6pm PDT
Friday @ 9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 6pm PDT

We also have a new press interview lined up, which we will share once that happens! It's been great seeing Moonbeam pop up everywhere: on Reddit, people talking about us on other live streaming platforms, Discord servers, X, and more! 

We appreciate all your support thus far and look forward to seeing you this week. Feel free to stop by the community section on BackerKit to chat or ask questions! Cheers!

- The Moonbeam Team!

Friday Moonbeam Streaming!
8 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 10:19:32 AM

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you all know that today, we have two cool live streams, and you can watch them both on our BackerKit page. Also, for those who want to chat with us during streams, if you go to our Community page when we are live streaming where you can join our live streams and leave messages for us to read!

Below are our two live streams for today:

Chatting with Jamie Daggers

What: Anthony sits down with Jamie Daggers on her Twitch channel to discuss Moonbeam!
Time: 4pm EDT / 3pm CDT / 1pm PDT

Just Chatting: Moonbeam

What: Pat and Anthony hang out and talk about Moonbeam! Yes, Pat is real and today you can meet him—huzzah!
Time: 9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 6pm PDT

I hope to see you all join us if you can! Cheers!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary

Live Stream: Moonbeam x VOIDSTREAM x Project Dastan (MVP)
8 months ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 01:43:09 PM

***A shape crackles breaks over the nearby radio...***

A familiar voice begins to speak...

"Attention Moonbeam rebels and revolutionaries, several of our rebel cells are linking up tonight to discuss the status of our growing movement. We will be broadcasting on three channels tonight to reach the rebel cells located across the land. You can find us at Moonbeam HQ, VOIDSTREAM, or Project Dastan, tonight at 7pm EDT / 6pm CDT / 4pm PDT. All of us will be chatting together and answering your questions. Spread the word. Moonbeam HQ, out."

***The radio goes silent...for now...***

Hey everyone! Join Moonbeam and two of our first Realm owners as we chat about Moonbeam and their projects! See you there!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary

The Rebellion Grows: Day 2
8 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 08:13:14 PM

***Encrypted Message Below***

Moonbeam Rebels, Revolutionaries, and Allies are steadily growing each day!

Deep in the secret rebel HQ of Moonbeam we celebrate! We've surpassed $35,000 in funding, and we haven't even been live for 48 hours yet! But the path ahead requires work, passion, and dedication—together, we can change the landscape of live streaming...forever! 

As a member of the rebellion, we ask for your aid to spread awareness for our cause. Below are two ways you can immediately help Moonbeam continue to succeed!

  1. Please support the other projects in the Moonbeam Collection. These are our first Realms, and we want all of them to succeed! Tomorrow night, Project Dastan and the VOIDSTREAM will join Moonbeam in a live stream to chat and hang out with the community. More details to follow!
  2. Send your friends and post our video, Moonbeam: For the Love of the Game, on your social media account. Let them hear the call of the Moonbeam revolution!

We look forward to hearing from you all. 

Moonbeam Rebel HQ, out.

***Encrypted Message Self Destructs in T-Minus Three, Two, One...***

Just Chatting Stream with Moonbeam!
8 months ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 04:46:56 PM

Hey everybody, it's me, Anthony!

Tonight at 9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 6pm PDT, I'm going to live stream HERE on BackerKit via Moonbeam (heck, yeah) to answer any questions you all might have about Moonbeam, our plans, or really anything that is on your mind!

I'm going to use this discussion to chat with you all. So feel free to post your questions or comments HERE.

Also, how freakin cool was that Moonbeam cinematic video—not gonna lie, I feel like that could be its own series on Moonbeam.

Anyway, I am about to eat dinner, clean up, and I'll see you all soon to wind down from day 1 of the Moonbeam Revolution!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary